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Work Packages

WP1 – Inner and outer perception on ethnic minority students

WP1 aims at appraising labour market dynamics for ethnic minority students in Vietnam. Two surveys will be run in order to apprehend a better comprehension of the perception of ethnic minority students within the higher education system as well as their expectations approaching the labour market, and to apprehend Vietnamese firms’ points of view in terms of skill needs gap related to ethnic minority graduates.

WP2 – Ethnic minority graduates tracking

WP2 aims at appraising Vietnamese ethnic minority graduates’ employment status. Two trainings will be organized in order to allow the Vietnamese researchers to be acquainted with EU partners’ knowledge and experience in graduates survey preparation, methodologies and data analysis, including lessons learned from other similar surveys developed at international level. A survey will be run in order to collect data on the main characteristics and performances of Vietnamese ethnic minority graduates in the labour market, also in comparison with the entire population of graduates from the beneficiary institutions.

WP3 – Transferability of EU best practices on ethnic minorities’ inclusion and employability

WP3 aims at enriching beneficiary universities knowledge on ethnic minorities’ inclusion and employability tools. A seminar will be organized in order to discuss with Vietnamese partners the EU best practices related to ethnic minorities’ protection, empowerment and inclusion, focusing on issues related to the specific opportunities and constraints of Soviet-derived national minorities inclusion schemes, as well as on the particular situation and social mobility patterns of the sinophone minorities in Vietnam. The seminar will be followed by the organization of focus groups at Vietnamese universities’ level, discussing minority inclusion models and best practices in order to explore their transferability in the context of the Vietnamese institutional minority inclusion framework, particularly as it pertains the best practices of career orientation offices within Vietnamese academia and the strategies and tools they could employ to enhance minority students’ employability.

WP4 – Dissemination

WP4 aims at enhancing project’s visibility at local, national and international level, at spurring the involvement of project’s stakeholders and beneficiaries, at ensuring the quality of dissemination outputs. 4 success story telling seminars will be organized in order to allow graduates belonging to ethnic minorities who succeeded in their professional career to meet the students and share their experiences. They will be an impactful mean for inspiring students, raising their self-confidence and willingness to overcome obstacles on their path ahead. Moreover, a series of 4 awareness conferences will be hosted at each Vietnamese university level, making room for exchanges and concertation among students, university staff, NGOs and policy makers in a view to encouraging mutual understanding and future permanent dialogue.

WP5 – Sustainability 

WP5 aims at promoting networking at national level for a permanent dialogue among all interested Vietnamese stakeholders on ethnic minority students’ employability. A Memorandum of Understanding will set up the conditions for the provision of internships to ethnic minority students beyond project lifetime as a channel for boosting ethnic minority students’ employability. A policy brief will be drafted on the basis of the lessons learned from project outputs and feedback from stakeholders, highlighting recommendations for policy makers, in order to have more appropriate policies related to the issue of ethnic minority students’ inclusion into the labour market. A permanent forum on ethnic minority youth will be created in order to facilitate a continuous and systematic dialogue on the needs to be taken into consideration and actions to be performed for the promotion of ethnic minority youth inclusion and empowerment in Vietnam.

WP6 – Management 

WP6 aims at creating the bodies in charge of project strategic management – steering committee, quality assurance & monitoring – quality assurance committee, and implementation of activities – working groups, which will ensure a smooth management of the project and the quality of project outputs, eventually putting in force correcting measures.