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Meetings and events

Type Name Hosting entity DateLocation Topic and description
Management meetingKick off meeting (WP6.1)AlmaLaurea Interuniversity Consortium
12-13 March, 2024Bologna, Italy1st Steering Committee (SC)
Designation of quality committee members
Management of the project and financial issues
Partnership Agreements, partners’ role and related tasks
Next steps
Training and seminarTraining of researchers on graduates tracking and seminar on ethnic minorities (WP2.1 & WP3.1)University of Insubria (UNINS)17-18 October, 2024Como, ItalyCapacity transfer on graduate tracking survey and seminar on EU best practices on minority protection, empowerment and inclusion
Seminar, conference and focus group1st success story telling seminar (WP4.1)
1st awareness raising conference (WP4.4)
1st focus group on EU best practices’ transferability (WP3.2)
Tay Nguyen University (TNU)January, 2025Buon Ma Thuot City, VietnamSeminar: sharing of experiences addressed to students by ethnic minority professionals who succeed in their career path. Conference: making room for exchanges and concertation among students, university staff, NGOs and policy makers in a view to encouraging mutual understanding and future permanent dialogue.
Focus group: presenting and discussing minority inclusion models and best practices in order to explore their transferability in the context of the Vietnamese institutional minority inclusion framework.
2nd Steering Committee.
Sustainability meetingCreation of a technical committee on MoU (WP5.1)Management Board of Hanoi Industrial Zones and Processing & Export Areas
April, 2025Hanoi, VietnamAppointment of a member of the technical committee in charge of defining MoU contents by each of the Vietnamese partners that will be supported by EU partners. Preliminary discussion on MoU contents.
3rd Steering Committee.
TrainingTraining of researchers on data analysis (WP2.3)Polytechnic of Porto (IPP)July, 2025Porto, PortugalEU partners will transfer their knowledge to Vietnamese partners on data collection, cleaning, analysis and preparation of the survey report structure
Seminar, conference and focus group2nd success story telling seminar (WP4.1)
2nd awareness raising conference (WP4.4) 2nd focus group on EU best practices’ transferability (WP3.2)
Thai Nguyen University, Lao Cai Campus (ThaiNU)September, 2025Lao Cai City, VietnamSeminar: sharing of experiences addressed to students by ethnic minority professionals who succeed in their career path.
Conference: making room for exchanges and concertation among students, university staff, NGOs and policy makers in a view to encouraging mutual understanding and future permanent dialogue.
Focus group: presenting and discussing minority inclusion models and best practices in order to explore their transferability in the context of the Vietnamese institutional minority inclusion framework.
4th Steering Committee.
Seminar, conference and focus group3rd success story telling seminar (WP4.1)
3rd awareness raising conference (WP4.4) 3rd focus group on EU best practices’ transferability (WP3.2)
Hanoi University (HANU)March, 2026Hanoi, VietnamSeminar: sharing of experiences addressed to students by ethnic minority professionals who succeed in their career path.
Conference: making room for exchanges and concertation among students, university staff, NGOs and policy makers in a view to encouraging mutual understanding and future permanent dialogue.
Focus group: presenting and discussing minority inclusion models and best practices in order to explore their transferability in the context of the Vietnamese institutional minority inclusion framework.
5th Steering Committee.
Seminar, conference and focus group4th success story telling seminar (WP4.1)
4th awareness raising conference (WP4.4) 4th focus group on EU best practices’ transferability (WP3.2)
Nha Trang University (NTU)September, 2026Nha Trang City, VietnamSeminar: sharing of experiences addressed to students by ethnic minority professionals who succeed in their career path.
Conference: making room for exchanges and concertation among students, university staff, NGOs and policy makers in a view to encouraging mutual understanding and future permanent dialogue.
Focus group: presenting and discussing minority inclusion models and best practices in order to explore their transferability in the context of the Vietnamese institutional minority inclusion framework.
6th Steering Committee.
ConferenceFinal conference (WP5.3)Management Board of Hanoi Industrial Zones and Processing & Export Areas
January, 2027Hanoi, VietnamPresentation of project achievements and of the establishment of permanent forum on ethnic minority youth

Additional events

14 May 2024: Local bilateral meeting for Students survey dissemination: Hanoi University (national coordinator) and Quang Ninh University of Industry; Quang Ninh University of Industry took part at Students survey on ethnic minority students perception

15 May 2024: Local bilateral meeting for Students survey dissemination: Hanoi University (national coordinator) and Halong University; Halong University took part at Students survey on ethnic minority students perception